
Cast of Characters

Thanks for checking out Kelley's Dog Blog!

I'm the author, Kelley. I'm a wife, mother and pet owner. I work as an animal control officer for a small beach town in Florida. I'm active in the community, trying to make a difference for animals and people. I enjoy spending time with friends and my dogs. I'm a horrible dog trainer, desperately trying to get better! I'm opinioned and sarcastic. I may be slightly neurotic. Want to know more? You can check out my Meet the Blogger submission. Or you could just keep reading. I candidly share everything (I think my filter broke when I turned 40). However, I try to stay out of photos. Seriously, wouldn't you rather look at the dogs?

This is Zente's Jedi Mind Trick. We call him Jedi for short. He's a main character of the blog. Jedi was supposed to be the show dog I've wanted for 35+ years. Unfortunately, he has a clueless handler (me) and hasn't got a stinking point yet. But we're having fun, and that's what really counts, right? We're also exploring obedience and other dog sports along the way. I share what we're doing, mistakes and all. And there are pictures. LOTS of pictures. Much to Jedi's dismay, I find dogs in hats to be hilarious. And I'm also fond of geeky puns, so keep an eye out for humiliating Star Wars themed hat photos, like this one for Star Wars Day.

Keeping with the Star Wars theme, here is J-Lyn's Imperial Shadow Trooper. Jedi didn't do well as a show dog (I blame his handler) and moved on to other things. We're going to try again with Trooper.

Roxy was a foster failure. We rescued her from a bad situation and planned on finding her a good home. Little did we know that home was with us. To put it politely, Roxy had issues. It took her a long time to trust us, she was afraid of other dogs, she never learned to walk on a leash. But she had a big heart and loved us completely -- Son #2 most of all. She brought a lot of joy and humor into our home. I can't imagine a life without her. We had to say goodbye to Roxy in July of 2018 at the ripe old age of 13+.

Both Pepper and Logan have passed, but they show up in the blog from time to time. Pepper was the first dog I had as an adult, her life cut too short by cancer. She was a "free to a good home" puppy from the Pennysaver. She couldn't have been a better dog if we paid a million dollars for her. Logan was dying of heartworms when I found him at the animal shelter where I worked. I brought him home, nursed him back to health and had seven wonderful years with him. He was my heart dog. (Don't tell Jedi!) Logan is also the reason I started blogging. I had a hard time dealing with his death. Lucky for you, the blog quickly morphed into something less morose.

I know this is a DOG blog, but Gucci made an appearance from time to time. Have you ever known a cat to respect boundaries? Gucci was an international cat. We adopted her while stationed in Yokosuka, Japan. She accompanied us from Tokyo to Los Angeles to Baltimore to Jacksonville, and was better travelled than most people I know. Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to 19 year old Gucci in February of 2016.

And finally, there's Drogo, our bearded dragon. He has become so popular that he has his own page on this blog! You can see Drogo in his finest by clicking on the Fashion Dragon tab. (By the way, if you have any ideas for Drogo's next adventure, please send me an email using "contact me" to the right.)

Now that you know who we are, please stop by anytime. And while you're here why not leave us a comment? We love hearing from our blogging buddies. TTFN, -- K

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