I posted about the Chariots of Fur 5K last week. I also complained that I couldn't find any pictures of me and Jedi despite the fact that there were photographers all over the place. Yesterday I was cleaning out my junk email and found something from Speedy Banana. Being that it was nestled between a penis enlarger supplement email and an ad for eHarmony, I nearly deleted it. (Maybe it's me, but the first thing I thought was "What a funny name for a sex toy.")
Curiosity got the better of me and I clicked. I'm glad I did! Speedy Banana is NOT a sex toy. Instead, it's the oddly named company that took all the pictures at Chariots of Fur -- and they would gladly sell me race pictures for an outrageous price. In fact, they had 32 pics for me to choose from. (This was my first race; apparently I've got a lot to learn.) Since it was my first race, I bought an overpriced picture. (Just wondering, why did I have to pay S&H for a digital download?) Anyway, here it is:

It was cold and windy on the beach that day. Jedi had a blast. We did the mile in less than 15 minutes -- on sand no less! And we supported a worthwhile charity. Who wants to join us next year?
Believe it or not, it's Wordless Wednesday, though you probably couldn't tell by my post. But hey, I had to share the not-a-sex-toy Speedy Banana story. (Two weeks ago it was Russians and pet store pooping. Obviously this isn't the most cultured blog on the internet!) Anyway, click around below and see what others are sharing today. -- K
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