Friday, December 14, 2018

Violence is Violence

It's all connected
WARNING: This is a difficult, unpleasant subject. I will treat it as delicately as I can, but I think it's important that everybody know.

During training last month the question was posed "Why should law enforcement officers care about animal cruelty?" Every ACO in the room gasped. Because it's an F-ing crime, that's why! But the truth is, often cops don't feel the same way ACOs do. When dealing with murderers, rapists, child abusers and the like, it's easy for them to see animal abuse and think "it's just an animal." Sadly though, all these crimes seem to be in a related. Here are a few sobering facts:
  • Violence toward animals is often a precursor to other violence.
  • Where there is animal abuse, there is often human abuse.
  • Animal abuse rarely occurs in isolation. Statistics show that animal abusers are three times more likely to be arrested for drug-related offenses; four times more likely to commit property crimes; and five times more likely to commit violent crimes such as assault, robbery or rape.
  • Children who witness animal abuse and cruelty are at a greater risk of becoming abusers themselves, perpetrating the cycle of violence.
  • Early intervention can prevent violence from escalating.
Every one of these guys abused animals
There is a link between serial killers and animal abuse. Google any of the scumbags to the left and read some of the horrific things they did to innocent puppies and kittens. (Or you can just take my word for it.) FBI Special Agent Alan Brantley with the Behavioral Science Unit was once asked how many serial killers had a history of abusing animals. He was quoted to say "The real question should be, how many have not?"

In January of 2016 the FBI started tracking animal cruelty along with other felony crimes. The FBI warns that it'll take at least 3-5 years to start showing helpful patterns. Still, it's nice to know that animal cruelty is being taken seriously on a national level.

Unfortunately, the local authorities still have a long way to go. The speakers all shared cases, each as disturbing as the next. A couple local(ish) cases stood out for me. I'm not going to link to them. Again, you can Google them yourself, or avoid the unpleasant details and just take my word. (Seriously, why share my nightmares?)
  1. A couple teenagers thought it would be fun to set a cat on fire and watch it run away. The adolescent scum got stiffer sentences for "arson" than they did for "animal abuse" (aka setting a live cat on fire).
  2. A dog fighter shot one of his dogs in the head because it wasn't game enough. Dirtbag got a stiffer sentence for "using a gun in the commission of a felony" than he did for the dog fighting -- despite the fact that there was video of him fighting the dogs.
  3. I've already shared my frustration about the pathetic sentences for killing police dogs here in Florida.
Angry? Good! So what can you do about it? Pay attention. Educate yourself. Then share your righteous indignation. Educate others. Articulate your wishes share them with your elected representative via letters, emails, petitions and the polls.

OK, I'm off my soapbox. Thanks for sticking around. I'll share something more pleasant tomorrow. Promise. -- K

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